Green Invoice is the leading platform for freelancers in Israel for online invoicing, client and stock management. They are also a super cool company to work with on their animations and video content.
This Explainer video is sent to all the new clients. In addition it's also in the help section of the service website
These onboarding videos were also my first collaboration with my super talented friend Michael Sokolov
We had fun working on this together. checkout his portfolio here
** Made with ❤️ for GreenInvoice **
Selected Works
monday.comMotion Design, Marketing, Animation, Social, GIF
Brand Animation with DesignitBrand, Animation, Motion Design
Homepage AnimationsProduct, Marketing, Motion Design, Homepage
Viber 10Motion Graphics, Animation, PR
Approve.comAnimation, Motion Graphics, Micro Interactions
Riverside.fmAnimation, Motion Graphics, Explainers
Lending Express IG AdsAnimation, Motion Graphics, GIF
GreenInvoice OnboardingMotion Graphics, Infographics, Micro interactions
Space Cat CollabsAnimation, Motion Graphics, GIF
Wochit "Producing video" AnimationAnimation, Illustration, UX
Stav Shaffir (Political Infographics)Broadcast Design, Animation, Political
UI AnimationsMotion Graphics, UI, Animation, GIF
ViberBranding, Motion Graphics, Art Direction, PR
The FelisiansBroadcast Design, Motion Design, Movie
Cinema City ReUXUX, Mockup, WIP
Showreel 2012Motion Graphics, Animation, Branding, Showreel
Dalia KornblitAnimation, Motion Graphics, Illustration, Collabiration
Babylon TowersAnimation, Motion Graphics, Illustration, Infographics
Brexit News (Apester)Animation, Motion Graphics, Infographics
My Dribbble StreamAnimation, GIF, Motion Graphics, Illustration, UI, UX
Behance (Archived projects)Animation, Archive